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Boerner Horvath's Bill to Improve School Lands Management Passes Key Committee

SACRAMENTO — Today, AB 1390, Assemblymember Boerner Horvath’s bill to modernize State Lands Commission authority over “school lands”, state property used to bolster teachers’ retirement funds and reach clean energy goals, passed the Assembly Natural Resources Committee on a 10-0 unanimous bipartisan vote.

Antiquated restrictions governing the Commission’s management of school lands prevent it from effectively generating revenues for California State Teachers Retirement System (CalSTRS) and partnering with the federal government on renewable energy projects — two key directives from the Legislature. AB 1390 updates the law so the Commission can optimize its land holdings for revenue generation and meet both goals.

“Whether we are talking about the financial security of our retired public school teachers or leaving this world to our children better than we found it, promises made need to be promises kept,” said Assemblymember Boerner Horvath. “By empowering the Commission to better manage its resources, we can more effectively use these lands to keep our commitments to hard-working educators and moving our state closer to meeting our 2030 climate goals.”

Boerner Horvath's Bill to Promote Safe, Efficient Biking Passes Assembly

SACRAMENTO — Today, AB 122, Assemblymember Tasha Boerner Horvath’s bill to allow bicycle riders to treat a stop sign as a yield sign, when safe to do so, passed the Assembly on a 53-11 bipartisan vote. This policy, which has been successfully implemented in six states, is proven to reduce collisions while improving riders’ mobility.

“To cut down on car emissions, promote healthy living, and improve equity, we need neighborhoods that encourage safe bicycle riding,” said Assemblymember Boerner Horvath. “We know from the example of other states that when riders are allowed to yield at stop signs, they choose safer streets and will spend less time in dangerous intersections. It’s time for California to live up to its values and start encouraging — not penalizing — smart riding in our state.”

Boerner Horvath's Bill to Enhance Boat Safety Passes Key Committee

SACRAMENTO — Today, AB 335, Assemblymember Boerner Horvath’s bill to keep boat owners and renters safe by providing boat manufacturers the option to contact buyers if they need to do a recall, passed the Assembly Privacy and Consumer Protection Committee on a unanimous bipartisan 1

Boerner Horvath's Bill to Enhance Boat Safety Passes Key Committee

SACRAMENTO — Today, AB 335, Assemblymember Boerner Horvath’s bill to keep boat owners and renters safe by providing boat manufacturers the option to contact buyers if they need to do a recall, passed the Assembly Privacy and Consumer Protection Committee on a unanimous bipartisan 11-0 vote.

In 2018, the landmark California Consumer Privacy Act passed, allowing consumers greater ability to protect their personal contact information from being shared.  Certain exceptions allowed under later legislation gave car dealers the ability to share that information so consumers could receive important safety recall and warranty information for their vehicles.  AB 335 simply extends that same exception to watercraft dealers so people get the information they need to keep themselves and their families safe while on the water.  
“California is and should remain a national leader when it comes to empowering people to take charge of their personal data, but that doesn’t mean there aren’t important exceptions,” said Assemblymember Boerner Horvath. “Just like car dealers, watercraft dealers want to ensure owners get timely recall and safety information without running afoul of privacy protections. This bill will enable sellers to contact consumers and will keeps folks out of harm’s way while they’re enjoying our oceans, lakes, and waterways.”

Boerner Horvath Announces Jaqueline “Kiki” Bispo as 2021 Woman of the Year for Assembly District 76



SACRAMENTO — As part of Women’s History Month, Assemblymember Tasha Boerner Horvath honors Jacqueline “Kiki” Bispo as the 2021 Woman of the Year for Assembly District 76. In the month of March, State Legislators select a woman in their district whose contributions to her community deserve to be celebrated to be given this annual honor.

Bispo is a lifelong educator currently serving as the Family and Community Engagement Lead for Vista Unified School District. The Family and Community Engagement Network (F.A.C.E), a program concept that Bispo created, is an internationally recognized approach to student success that focuses on the role of the family, home life, and learning conditions in determining classroom outcomes for struggling students — a departure from the historically unsuccessful focus on academic performance alone.

“We know that kids who have both parents engaged in their kid’s learning and in touch with their teachers do better in school and have more opportunities later in life,” said Assemblymember Boerner Horvath. “We also know that for many working families from underserved communities, providing a struggling kid with the necessary at-home support can be near impossible. Kiki’s innovative approach brings parents into the conversation, bridging that gap and resulting in better outcomes for struggling kids. Her work empowers families and makes Vista a more equitable place for kids to learn and grow. She is truly a hero for so many parents and she deserve to be celebrated.”

Boerner Horvath’s Bill to Fund Research into Bluff Collapse Early Warning System Passes Assembly Natural Resources Committee

SACRAMENTO — Today, AB 66, Assemblymember Boerner Horvath’s bill to allocate $2.5 million to accelerate the science behind bluff failures and start the development of an early warning notification system for California’s coastal bluff collapses, passed the Assembly Natural Resources Committee on an 8-1 vote.

With fatalities, injuries, and millions of dollars in property damage just in the last few years, bluff failures are a constant threat to beachgoers and coastal neighborhoods throughout California. The worst impacts of these collapses, especially the loss of life, could be avoided with a bluff collapse early warning notification system. AB 66 would task the Scripps Institution of Oceanography with creating the science on when and why bluffs fail, as well as develop how to better predict bluff failures to increase public safety.

“What happened to the three women in 2019 in Leucadia and, tragically, to other valued members of our communities up and down the state, is unacceptable and we must use science and data-driven innovation to keep our communities safer,” said Assemblymember Boerner Horvath. “Fortunately, we have a great partner in our backyard with Scripps and while AB 66 focuses on the area from Torrey Pines to Oceanside, the information we will gather will be invaluable for our state.”

Boerner Horvath's Sexual Assault Victims’ Social Media Privacy Bill Passes Assembly Public Safety Committee

SACRAMENTO — Today, AB 341, Assemblymember Boerner Horvath’s bill to strengthen a sexual assault victim’s right to privacy by requiring social media content to go through the same process as other evidence in these types of trials, passed the Assembly Public Safety Committee on a unanimous, bipartisan vote.

Increasingly in sexual assault cases, decades of social media activity is being mined and admitted into evidence that is irrelevant to the case at hand, but has the result of embarrassing, shaming, or humiliating a victim, sometimes to the point of discouraging their testimony. AB 341 simply requires that social media content go through the same submission of evidence procedures as other types of evidence covered under existing Rape Shield Laws.
“We already have laws on the books to help ensure victims seeking justice for their attackers won’t have their entire lives subjected to public scrutiny, and those protections should be extended to their social media activity as well” said Assemblymember Boerner Horvath. “Character assassination and the rehashing of a victim’s sexual history are largely ruled irrelevant in assault cases, but Rape Shield Laws need to be updated to account for the realities of our online lives so that sexual assault victims can seek justice and keep their dignity intact.”


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