Statement from Assemblymember Tasha Boerner Horvath on the Governor’s Veto of AB 122
SACRAMENTO — Assemblymember Tasha Boerner Horvath (D-Encinitas) released the following statement today regarding Governor Gavin Newsom’s veto of AB 122:
Assemblymember Boerner Hosts "Let’s Talk Menopause" Live Webinar
SACRAMENTO — Assemblymember Tasha Boerner Horvath (D-Encinitas) released the following statement today regarding Governor Gavin Newsom’s veto of AB 122:
SACRAMENTO — Assemblymember Tasha Boerner Horvath (D-Encinitas) released the following statement today regarding Governor Gavin Newsom’s veto of AB 1215:
SACRAMENTO — Today, AB 66, by Assemblymember Tasha Boerner Horvath (D-Encinitas), was signed by Governor Newsom.
SACRAMENTO — Today, AB 1390, Assemblymember Tasha Boerner Horvath's bill to modernize the State Lands Commission's authority over school lands, the state property used to bolster teachers' retirement funds and reach clean energy goals, passed the Assembly.
SACRAMENTO — Today, AB 1215, Assemblymember Boerner Horvath’s bill, which responds to incidents of bought-and-paid-for acceptances by installing a strict firewall between admissions and philanthropy staff, passed the Senate on a 38 – 0 bipartisan vote.
SACRAMENTO — Today, AB 122, Assemblymember Tasha Boerner Horvath’s bill to make our streets safer for all road users passed the Assembly on a 50 – 17 bipartisan vote, after passing the Senate earlier this week on a 31 – 5 bipartisan vote.
SACRAMENTO — Today, AB 66, Assemblymember Boerner Horvath’s bill to initiate the development of an early warning notification system for California’s coastal bluff collapses, passed the Senate with overwhelming bipartisan support.
SACRAMENTO — Today, AB 803, Assemblymember Boerner Horvath's Starter Home Revitalization Act of 2021, was signed by Governor Newsom. It passed the California State Assembly and Senate with overwhelming bipartisan support.