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Boerner Horvath Announces 2021 Women of Impact Recipients for Assembly District 76

CARLSBAD — Assemblymember Tasha Boerner Horvath is announcing the honorees for the 2021 Women of Impact Awards for the 76th Assembly District. This award was created by the Assemblymember’s office to recognize North County women who stand out in their communities as innovators, leaders, and advocates. Nominations came from across the district, lifting up a diverse array of women who have made significant impact to their communities in the areas of business/entrepreneurship, military service, education, civic engagement, advocacy, activism, health and human services, community service, arts and culture, and young leadership.
“During these difficult times, we’ve seen community heroes – so many of them women – who have stepped up, led, and made difference through hard work and dedicated service,” said Assemblymember Tasha Boerner Horvath. “The amazing women selected as this year’s Women of Impact have all contributed significantly to our community, each in important ways. I look forward to celebrating these women and all they’ve accomplished as part of our virtual ceremony later this month.”

Boerner Horvath Commemorates 109th Anniversary of Girl Scouts of the USA

SACRAMENTO — To commemorate the occasion of the 109th Anniversary of the founding of the Girl Scouts of the USA, Assemblymember Boerner Horvath’s ACR 22 passed the Assembly on a consent vote.

With about 2.6 million youth and adult members, Girl Scouts of the USA is currently the largest leadership organization for young women in the world. Since founder Juliette Gordon Low brought together the first troop on March 12, 1912, millions of young women have found their passion, their voice, and their calling through scouting. Today, former girl scouts dominate the ranks of women legislators, business executives, astronauts, and creative leaders. Many of these professionals can trace the inspiration for their career paths back to their time as scouts.
“As the mother of a 10-year-old Junior Scout in Troop 1920, I’ve seen firsthand the value that scouting provides for young people as they discover themselves through childhood and adolescence,” said Assemblymember Boerner Horvath. “My daughter is going to become an adult in a world full of challenges that are going to demand a different kind of thinking from her generation. Girl Scouts provides the validation that our daughters need to see themselves as the change-makers of tomorrow, no matter where their interests lead them.”

Legislature Passes $6.6 Billion Safe School Reopening Plan

SACRAMENTO — Today, the Legislature passed a $6.6 billion early budget bill to bring students back to the classroom safely and address the educational impacts of the pandemic. AB 86 seeks to balance the need to get children back into the classroom with the real challenges school districts are facing.

“Everyone can agree that the need to get students back in the classroom is urgent – particularly for those from underserved communities with working parents,” said Assemblymember Boerner Horvath. “As a mom of two kids in public schools, I have been working to balance the safety of our schools with the need for student success since the pandemic started. The plan we passed today is a big step forward to ensuring we provide the necessary resources, implement safety protocols, and do everything we can to ensure our children, as well as the teachers and staff who educate them, can safely return to in-person instruction. While not perfect, this agreement is a much needed $6.6 billion investment in our schools to hopefully help our children come back from this year stronger and more successful than ever.”

Legislature Passes $9.6 Billion COVID-19 Early Budget Package to Support Struggling Small Businesses, Workers

SACRAMENTO — Today the Legislature passed a COVID-19 relief early action budget package on a bipartisan basis, clearing the way for the timely dispersal of $9.6 billion in additional small business grants, childcare funding, tax cuts, and $600 direct payments to millions of struggling Californians. Last week, Legislative leadership came to an agreement with the Governor on the details for the package after weeks of collaboration on how to meet the critical need for more relief to bolster the eventual recovery.

“Nearly a year into this crisis, our state finds itself at a tipping point — if we don’t act fast to get people the relief they need, we’ll be setting ourselves up for a longer, slower, and ultimately more expensive recovery” said Assemblymember Boerner Horvath. “This package represents a sizable investment in the foundations of our state’s economy and will provide a bridge for millions of struggling Californians to make it to the other side of this crisis. While I would have preferred to have total tax exemption for small businesses on the PPP and disaster loan money they’ve spent since last year, this compromise on a $150,000 cap still means a full deduction will be possible for nearly 90 percent of loan recipients. I look forward to working with this Administration to ensure the timely and equitable distribution of these funds to those in need.”

Boerner Horvath Issues Statement on New Youth Sports Guidance

SACRAMENTO — Today, the California Department of Public Health announced the issuance of new guidance for a variety of athletic settings that will make it possible for outdoor practice and competitions to resume with rigid safety protocols in place. Earlier this month, I joined my colleagues and wrote to Governor Newsom expressing my support for a return to outdoor youth sports contingent on workable, science-driven guidelines for how do so safely. While the increased pace of vaccinations and consistent drops in community spread signal the opportunity to proceed cautiously with getting our young athletes back out there, we will need everyone involved following recommendations to limit further surges.

We know that sitting out the season does more than just take away time on the field, the court, the water, or in the pool — it can have a serious toll on our children’s mental health, particularly in more disadvantaged communities. This new guidance is built on a rigorous analysis of the data from other states where activities have resumed, provides state resources to conduct periodic testing for high-contact sports, and facilitates collaboration with coaches and other stakeholders on how to implement these risk mitigation plans across all settings.

As a mom, I know how important it is for kids to get outside and be active, for both their physical and mental well-being. As a legislator, I have a duty to protect the communities I represent and to follow the science where it leads us in our collective efforts to prevent loss of life. I hope that given this chance, coaches, trainers, and parents will act responsibly and make a good faith effort to follow these public health guidelines so we can get our kids back out there safely.

New Vista Vaccination Clinic Opens at Existing Testing Facility

VISTA — Starting this week, the County of San Diego began operating a new COVID-19 vaccination clinic at the Linda Rhoades Recreation Center in Vista. The center, which is located at 600 North Santa Fe Avenue, has been operational as a COVID-19 testing facility since November 11th. To avoid cross-traffic between eligible vaccine recipients and potentially COVID-19 positive individuals, vaccinations will be administered on non-testing days, Sundays and Mondays from 9:30am to 3:30pm.

Last October, when case numbers were increasing in the region, Assemblymember Boerner Horvath took the lead in convening a partnership between the Vista Unified School District, the City of Vista, and San Diego County’s Health and Human Services Agency to expand no-cost, walk in testing in the hardest hit areas of North County. This collaboration led to the opening of the Linda Rhoades site, which has since tested thousands of residents, filling the access gap in that community. As vaccination began ramping up, Boerner Horvath took the same approach — pushing for the addition of a vaccination clinic at the Vista site.

“We know that our underserved communities are often the hardest hit in this pandemic” said Boerner Horvath. “Ever since this crisis began, I’ve been focused on ensuring that resources are being deployed equitably so that testing, tracing, treatment — and now vaccinations — reach everyone, no matter where they live. It’s great to see how our hard work from last fall to expand testing is now making it easier to bring vaccinations to Vista residents. I’m grateful to Councilmember Corinna Contreras and School Board Trustee Martha Alvarado for their work on this and to Supervisors Nathan Fletcher and Nora Vargas for their continued attention to our needs in North County.”

Boerner Horvath Statement on Appointment as Assistant Majority Leader for Policy and Research

SACRAMENTO — Assemblymember Tasha Boerner Horvath (D-Encinitas) has been newly appointed by Speaker Anthony Rendon to serve as Assistant Majority Leader for Policy and Research. Boerner Horvath has served on the Speaker’s leadership team as Assistant Majority Whip since she was elected to represent the 76th Assembly District in 2018 and is now advancing into this new role on the leadership team at the start of her second term in office.

“Since first being elected a Member of the California State Assembly, I have made it my mission to help advance thoughtful legislation that not only answers the needs of the communities I serve, but all of California,” said Boerner Horvath. “This new leadership role reflects the philosophy I try to bring to what we do here in Sacramento – working without pride in authorship to craft sound, well-researched policies that help make real peoples’ lives better. I am honored that the Speaker has afforded me this responsibility, and I thank him for this opportunity. I look forward to continuing to work collaboratively with my colleagues to turn good research into effective policy that better serves the people we were all sent here to represent.”

Boerner Horvath Statement on Extending Evictions Moratorium

SACRAMENTO — This pandemic and the economic fallout it has caused has disrupted daily life for all of us — but people should not be evicted because of a public health crisis that is completely out of their control. Hard working Californians who have lost their incomes do not deserve to find themselves on the street with their families.

Boerner Horvath Votes in Support of Resolution Calling for President Trump’s Removal

SACRAMENTO — Assemblymember Tasha Boerner Horvath issued the following statement in Support of Assembly House Resolution 7 (H.R. 7), which passed today out of the State Assembly with 51 votes:

“The strength of our Republic rests in respecting our democratic institutions, and our ability to respond to the challenges we face, including COVID, require that we have a functioning and stable government. Well before November of last year, our current President did everything he could to undermine public faith in those institutions, including that most essential element for democracy to survive — the vote. 

Instead of accepting the will of the people and the rule of law, President Trump incited his followers, calling on them to march on the Capitol Building when Congress was meeting to certify the election. The disturbing and unprecedented attack that occurred is a direct result. 

Boerner Horvath, McCarty Announce Legislation Increasing Fairness, Transparency in UC Admissions

SACRAMENTO —  Assemblymembers Kevin McCarty and Tasha Boerner Horvath today announced planned companion legislation to address the most recent California State Auditor report on University of California (UC) admissions practices and recommended reforms.

The bills are in response to a State Auditor report issued on September 22nd of this year based on investigations conducted at four different UC campuses that concluded the University of California “has allowed for improper influence in admissions decisions, and it has not treated applicants fairly or consistently.”  The report from the State Auditor concluded with 12 recommendations, much of which would be included in these two bills. 


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