SACRAMENTO, Calif. — Assemblymember Tasha Boerner’s (D-Encinitas) bill to promote housing stability and a positive support system that helps transition LGBTQ+ youth experiencing homelessness to permanent housing either as independent adults, or by reuniting with their family passed the Assembly Human Services Committee with a bipartisan 7-0 vote.
“Stable and affirming housing plays a vital role in the safety of all youth, especially youth identifying as LGBTQ+,” said Assemblymember Boerner. “AB 589 creates the Unicorn Homes Transitional Housing for Homeless LGBTQ+ Youth Program pilot project to help identify, screen, and train LGBTQ+ affirming households that host LGBTQ+ youth experiencing homelessness due to family rejection with a safe place to stay.”
People who identify as LGBTQ+ and are experiencing homelessness have greater difficulty finding shelters that accept and respect them, and are often at a greater risk of assault, trauma, and early death. Unicorn Homes is an alternative to the traditional group homeless shelter by placing eligible youth with LGBTQ+ affirming host homes and provides paths to mental health resources, job readiness, life coaching, and independent living skills.
“Low-barrier housing programs are desperately needed to support LGBTQ+ youth experiencing homelessness and housing instability. Many LGBTQ+ youth have been disowned by their families or are escaping emotional and physical abuse because of their sexual orientation or gender identity,” said Craig Pulsipher, Legislative Director of Equality California. “Aging out of the foster care system, poverty, and the shortage of shelters and housing programs can also leave many LGBTQ+ youth with nowhere to go. AB 589 will help to support and expand existing programs that provide safe and affirming transitional housing and support services for these vulnerable youth.”
AB 589 seeks to address the housing crisis in a unique way. There is no state housing program targeted directly at LBGTQ+ youth experiencing homelessness and Unicorn Homes can help support state efforts to prevent and end homelessness among LGBTQ+ youth.
AB 589 now moves to the Assembly Appropriations Committee for consideration.
Assemblymember Tasha Boerner represents the 77th District, which encompasses Carlsbad, Encinitas, Solana Beach, Del Mar, and the coastal communities of La Jolla south to Downtown and Coronado. You can learn more about Assemblymember Boerner at a77.asmdc.org, Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter.