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Past Events

Veteran & Military Service Awards - Virtual Ceremony

Event Date and Time


On November 17th from 10-11am, I will be hosting a virtual awards ceremony for the recipients of the 2020 Veteran & Military Service Awards and their families. In the month of October, the North County community responded to the call for nominations with a diverse array of nominees. These nominees were chosen because of their outstanding service to the people of Encinitas, Carlsbad, Oceanside, Vista, and Camp Pendleton. 

The recipients by category are as follows: 

• Excellence in Advocacy: Hon. Donald F. Armento 
• Excellence in Mentorship: Ericka Paez 
• Excellence in the Arts: W.B. May
• Excellence in Leadership: Col. Gary Johnston (Ret.) 
• Military Spouse of the Year: Emily Woods
• Veteran Volunteer of the Year: LCDR Tracy Owens, (Ret.) 
• Organizational Award: Veterans Association of North County
• Blue Star Families: Staci Holt, Maggie Meza, & Laura Torres
• Excellence in Service: California National Guard

All are welcome to tune in and take part in celebrating this group of individuals and organizations. The public will be able to watch the ceremony and use the chat function but will not be able to share audio or video. To join the ceremony as a participant, please click the button below to RSVP via Zoom and receive a link for joining in your email inbox. 



Child Online Safety Webinar - Human Trafficking & Online Predators

Event Date and Time

Sex trafficking is the largest underground economy in San Diego after drug trafficking, and social media is often a preferred method for targeting the most vulnerable. With kids online more than ever these days, they are at greater risk of becoming vulnerable to traffickers.
On Thursday, November 12th, from 4 – 5pm, I will be hosting a virtual webinar with District Attorney Summer Stephan and Community Partnership Prosecutor Cheryl Sueing-Jones to talk to you about how to protect your children from becoming victims of human trafficking and other forms of online sexual exploitation.
District Attorney Stephan has devoted her life to protecting children and giving a voice for justice to the voiceless and most vulnerable. She is a national leader in the fight against sexual exploitation and human trafficking.
We will be hosting this discussion via zoom. Attendees will have the option to submit questions via the Q&A system, but will not be permitted to share audio or video. If you want to join us, please click the button below to RSVP and receive a zoom link to join. 


I hope you’ll be able to attend this important discussion. For those who are unable to join, a video of the webinar will be uploaded to my website.

COVID-19 Tele-Town Hall: How to Serve on State Boards and Commissions

Event Date and Time


Have you ever thought about serving the public on a state commission or board? Whether it's clean air, public lands, jobs, or even a profession like dentistry, there are all kinds of opportunities to help make an impact on a variety of issues, gain professional experience, and serve the public.

I’ll be partnering with the Office of Assembly Speaker Anthony Rendon to host a panel discussion about everything you need to know about serving on a commission or a board. We’ll be joined by a group of current board and commission members who will explain what it means to serve and answer your questions about the application process. 

This will be an audio-only virtual forum. You can dial in with either a cell or home phone.

Call-in: (978) 990-5158
Access Code: 2477815

Question can be submitted ahead of time to with the subject line "Townhall Question" by 2 p.m. on Thursday, October 29 . Questions sent during the town hall will be included, time permitting. For those who are unable to call in at this time, a recording of the call will be posted on my Town Hall webpage.

COVID-19 Tele Town Hall: Supporting Children's Well-Being

Event Date and Time


Join me for my next Tele-Town Hall on Thursday, October 15 from 4-5pm! This time, we’ll be talking about child wellness in the context of all of the changes and disruptions that have occurred due to COVID-19.

We will discuss many common questions and concerns parents have on their child’s wellness and how it impacts their growth, their resiliency, and the health of their caregivers as well. This town hall will offer parents, guardians, and caregivers some tips and strategies for how to support children’s mental and physical well-being during this time. I’ll be joined by professionals in pediatric and adolescent care who will provide some useful insights and advice on these topics.

This is an audio-only virtual forum. You can dial in with either your cell or home phone.


Call-in: (978) 990-5158
Access Code: 2477815


Question can be submitted ahead of time to with the subject line "Townhall Question" by 2p.m. on Thursday, October 15. Questions sent during the town hall will be included, time permitting. For those who are unable to call in, a recording of the call will be posted on my Town Hall webpage.

COVID-19 Tele-Town Hall: Back to Campus in North County

Event Date and Time




Join me for another Tele-Town Hall on Thursday, September 17 from 4-5pm! This time, I’ll be hosting two North County university presidents to talk about how their campuses are adjusting to the circumstances of the pandemic as certain in-person classes return for the fall semester. I am pleased to be joined by:

-Dr. Sunita Cooke, Ph.D. | President of MiraCosta Community College District
- Dr. Ellen J. Neufeldt, Ed.D.| President of California State University, San Maros

We’ll also be discussing student concerns about workforce issues and how colleges are addressing them. You’ll hear about how pandemic adjustments are affecting students’ career planning and where students can go to access resources before and after they enter the workforce.

This will be an audio-only virtual forum. You can dial in with either a cell or home phone.

Call-in: (978) 990-5158
Access Code: 2477815

Question can be submitted ahead of time to with the subject line "Townhall Question" by 2 p.m. on Thursday, September 17th . Questions sent during the town hall will be included, time permitting. For those who are unable to call in at this time, a recording of the call will be posted on my Town Hall webpage.

Tele-Town Hall - Insurance & Small Business Resources

Event Date and Time


Join me for my next Tele-Town Hall on Thursday, July 30 from 4-5pm! This time, we’ll be talking about resources available to small businesses during the pandemic and insurance-related issues. I’ll be joined by our State Insurance Commissioner Ricardo Lara along with experts from the U.S. Small Business Administration and Small Business Majority. Our discussion will delve into how businesses can access relief and strategies for navigating the difficulties of this pandemic economy. I am pleased to be joined by:

• Ricardo Lara | California Insurance Commissioner
• Mike Sovacool | Deputy District Director, U.S. Small Business Administration
• Xiomara Peña| California Program Director, Small Business Majority
This is an audio-only virtual forum. You can dial in with either a cell or home phone.
Call-in: 844-767-5679
Access Code: 662488
Please email your questions in advance and no later than 10:00 a.m. on Tuesday, July 28th. We will do our best to answer all emailed questions during the telephone town hall. For questions not addressed during the call, you will receive contact information for specialists who may be able to assist you directly.
You can submit questions to with "Assemblymember Boerner Horvath’s Tele-Town Hall" in the subject line.

COVID-19 Tele-Town Hall - "T3" Strategy in San Diego County

Event Date and Time


Join me for another Tele-Town Hall on Thursday, August 6 from 4-5pm! This time, we’ll be talking about San Diego County’s T3 Strategy of Test, Trace, and Treat for combating the spread of COVID-19 and what it is you need to know about what strategies are being used to contain the virus at this point in the pandemic.

I’ll be joined by Nick Macchione, the director and architect of the San Diego County’s “T3” strategy, and San Diego County Superintendent of Schools, Dr. Paul Gothold. 

You’ll get answers to some of your questions about how experts in epidemiology, public health, and intensive care are working to bring the virus under control and get us off the state’s watch list. You’ll also here about how the county and the state are interacting to make complicated back-to-school decisions that prioritize safety for all while striving to meet the needs of our students. 

This will be an audio-only virtual forum. You can dial in with either a cell or home phone.


Call-in: (978) 990-5158

Access Code: 2477815


Question can be submitted ahead of time to with the subject line "Townhall Question" by 2 p.m. on Thursday, August 6th . Questions sent during the town hall will be included, time permitting. For those who are unable to call in, a recording of the call will be posted on my Town Hall webpage.

Wildfire Preparedness Tele-Town Hall

Event Date and Time
Join me for my next Tele-Town Hall this Thursday, July 9 from 4-5pm! This time, we’ll be talking about the dangers of fire season in North County and what you can do to make sure you household is prepared. I’ll be joined by some experts in fire safety and emergency response as well as a representative from San Diego Gas & Electric (SDG&E). We’ll be dealing with the issue of Public Safety Power Shutoffs (PSPS), evacuation plans for the region, and the steps you can take to make sure you’re ready for an emergency.
I am pleased to be joined by:
-Doug Huls | Senior Emergency Services Coordinator, CalOES
-Augie Ghio | Fire Service Management & Training Consultant, SDG&E
-Sean Mahoney | Regional Chief Executive Officer, American Red Cross
This is an audio-only virtual forum. You can dial in with either a cell or home phone.
Call-in: (978) 990-5158
Access Code: 2477815
Question can be submitted ahead of time to with the subject line "Townhall Question" by 2 p.m. on Thursday, July 9. Questions sent during the town hall will be included, time permitting. For those who are unable to call in, a recording of the call will be posted on my Town Hall webpage.

Tele-Town Hall: Workforce Training in a COVID-19 Economy

Event Date and Time




Join me on Thursday, June 25th from 4-5pm for a Tele-Town about workforce training & certification programs and their increasingly important role in an adaptive COVID-19 economy. I’ll be hosting a discussion with two local professionals who will go in depth on the services, programs, and various resources available to individuals or business owners who are looking to retrain their employees and need assistance in order to do so. 

 I'm pleased to be joined by: 

- Andy Hall | Chief Impact Officer, San Diego Workforce Partnership 
- Linda Kurokawa | Executive Director, Community Education & Workforce Development at MiraCosta College 

This will be an audio-only teleconference discussion. You may dial in with either your cell or home phone.

Call-in: (978) 990-5158
Access Code: 2477815

If you have something you’d like to ask either of our guest speakers, you can send your question ahead of time to with the subject line "Town Hall Question" by 2 p.m. on Thursday, June 25th. You can also send a question during the town hall and we will make sure that your question is included, time permitting. 

I hope you’ll be able to join us on Thursday, June 25th for this important discussion! 

Overview Hearing on Sea-Level Rise

Event Date and Time

Assemblymember Tasha Boerner Horvath and Members of the Select Committee on Sea-Level Rise and the California Economy cordially invite you to attend an overview hearing on Sea-Level Rise & Its Impacts on Coastal Cities.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019
3:00 pm – 5:00 pm

Encinitas City Hall
505 S. Vulcan Avenue,
Encinitas, CA 92024

View Flyer

For more information about the hearing, or to RSVP please contact or call 916-319-2076.