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Wildfire Prevention and Preparedness

There are steps we can all take to help prepare and protect our homes and families from wildfires.  If you are affected by wildfires, know that there are partners in all levels of government ready to help. Provided within this webpage is information about preparing for wildfires, as well as resources from organizations in the community.  

Please feel free to contact our district office at (760) 434-7605 with any questions.

Emergency Preparation Graphic

For more information on how to prepare for a disaster, download our brochure

Sign up for emergency and fire-related alerts to your cell phone from county emergency alert systems:


Additional Preparedness Resources
California Governor’s Office of Emergency Services:
California Fire Safe Council: 
American Red Cross:
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration:


Emergency Preparedness


SDG&E Information and Resources

General Wildfire Safety Program Information
Call: 1-800-411-7343


Public Safety Power Shutoffs
Sign up for updates related to public safety power shutoffs here, and learn more about if where you live might experience a shutoff:

Customers can use the map of affected areas at to determine if they will be impacted by the shutoff.  SDG&E also may provide outage updates through social media, local news, radio and on their websites at and  Direct notifications may also be sent for customers who have registered their information with SDG&E.


Medical Baseline Program
If you or someone you know relies on medical equipment that uses electricity, consider signing up for the SDG&E Medical Baseline program and make preparations for a power outage.  Signing up for the Medical Baseline program allows you to receive extra notifications in advance of power shutoffs.  See more preparedness tips for those who rely on electric medical technologies in case of an extended power outage:


Community Resource Centers
Community Resource Centers may be opened near the affected area if conditions require extending the estimated outage duration.  Residents will be able to get water, light snacks and charge their phones, as well as receive the most up to date information about the power shutoff.


School Districts
Find status updates about San Diego County school districts from the San Diego County Office of Education at


In the Event of Power Shutoff

  • Be aware of traffic safety.  Most traffic lights will go out once battery backup is exhausted.  Treat all depowered traffic signals as a four way stop.  Drive slow and be cautious when using depowered intersections.
  • Keep freezers and refrigerators closed. The refrigerator will keep food cold for about four hours. A full freezer will keep the temperature for about 48 hours. Use coolers with ice if necessary. Monitor temperatures with a thermometer.
  • Maintain food supplies that do not require refrigeration.
  • Avoid carbon monoxide poisoning.  Generators, camp stoves, or charcoal grills should always be used outdoors and at least 20 feet away from windows.  Never use a gas stovetop or oven to heat your home!
  • Check on your neighbors.  Older adults and young children are especially vulnerable to extreme temperatures.
  • Go to a community location with power if heat or cold is extreme. 
  • Turn off or disconnect appliances, equipment, or electronics.  Power may return with momentary “surges” or “spikes” that can cause damage.