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Assemblymember Boerner’s Bills to Lower Utility Rates Clears First Hurdle

For immediate release:
Assemblymember Tasha Boerner answers a question about Assembly Bill 2666 in Assembly Utilities & Energy.




SACRAMENTO, CA. — Today, Assemblymember Tasha Boerner’s legislation to protect consumers and reduce electric and gas prices, Assembly Bill (AB) 2666 and AB 2683, has cleared the Assembly Committee on Utilities and Energy.

“It’s unconscionable that while utility companies are making record profits over the allowed rate set by the California Public Utilities Commission, Californians are seeing the cost of gas and electricity increase year after year. San Diego County already pays the second highest utility rates in the nation,” said Assemblymember Boerner. “With the cost of living going up yearly, every dollar counts. Californians should not have to ask themselves whether or not they can afford to keep the lights on, or buy groceries for their children.”

Recognizing the negative impact of continuous rate hikes, in 2022, Assemblymember Boerner requested an audit of the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) and the California Public Advocates Office (Cal Advocates). The audit found an electricity rate increase between 16 percent and 23 percent from 2022 to 2023 by Southern California Edison, Pacific Gas and Electric, and San Diego Gas and Electric (SDG&E). Within the same year, these three utility companies raised natural gas prices between 27 percent and 162 percent. While projected program and improvement costs justified rate increases, the audit noted a lack of processes to protect consumers from exaggerated cost estimates. SDG&E reported earnings higher than the CPUC-authorized rate of return for nine out of the ten years.

AB 2666 would require the CPUC to review actual utility costs compared to the authorized rate of return, and align future authorized revenues based on the past costs that were recorded. The companion bill, AB 2683, would require Cal Advocates to push for lower utility rates every time rate increases are proposed.

“The CPUC and Cal Advocates need to do more to protect consumers,” said Assemblymember Boerner. “My bills, AB 2666 and AB 2683, will result in lower utility rates for all Californians and put in place clear expectations on the oversight commission, state-funded consumer advocates, and utility companies that are making profits on the backs of hard-working families.”


Assemblymember Tasha Boerner represents the 77th District, which encompasses Carlsbad, Encinitas, Solana Beach, Del Mar, Coronado and the coastal communities of La Jolla south to Downtown San Diego. You can learn more about Assemblymember Boerner at, Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter/X.