Contact: Rob Charles | 916-319-3362 | rob.charles@asm.ca.gov
For Immediate Release: Saturday, October 7, 2023
Statement by Assemblymember Boerner on Governor’s Veto of AB 719
SACRAMENTO, Calif. — Assemblymember Tasha Boerner (D-Encinitas) issued the following statement today after the Governor vetoed her bill to help ensure transit operators are better able to recover costs for nonemergency, medically necessary transportation services.
“Our local and regional transit operators are federally required to provide nonmedical transportation and nonemergency medical transportation to those who need specialized transportation assistance to get to doctor’s appointments, physical therapy, or other medically necessary services. AB 719 would have ensured transit operators were reimbursed for providing these services to Medi-Cal patients from funds already designated for that purpose, in part because a change in the law in 2016 had inadvertently made it harder for these reimbursements to occur.
I was disappointed to see the Governor veto AB 719 today, but I will continue to work with my colleagues and the Administration on ways we can help public transit operators address long-term financial hurdles, especially when it comes to reimbursement for the services they are already mandated to provide.”
Assemblymember Tasha Boerner represents the 77th District, which encompasses Carlsbad, Encinitas, Solana Beach, Del Mar, and the coastal communities of La Jolla south to Downtown and Coronado. You can learn more about Assemblymember Boerner at a77.asmdc.org, Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter.